02/24/2009 | It Seems to Us: Keeping the "Amateur" in Amateur RadioBeing called an amateur can have a negative connotation, but the term’s origin is the Latin word for “lover” and it has to do with motivation, not skill level. As they say, professionals built the Titanic; the Ark was built by amateurs.
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02/18/2009 | World Amateur Radio Day to Recognize Amateur Radio's Role in Disaster Communications
Each year on April 18, radio amateurs celebrate World Amateur Radio Day. On that day in 1925, 84 years ago, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was founded. In 2009, the theme of the event is Amateur Radio: Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency
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01/30/2009 | ARRL Board of Directors Considers Internal and External Goals for 2009
ARRL Board of Directors held its 2009 Annual Meeting on January 16-17 in Windsor, Connecticut, under the chairmanship of President Joel Harrison, W5ZN. Radio Amateurs of Canada President David Goodwin, VO1AU/VE3AAQ, and IARU President Larry Price, W4RA, w
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01/26/2009 | ARRL Scholarship Applications Due February 1
The deadline for ARRL Foundation scholarship applications is February 1, 2009. Applications must be postmarked on or before February 1 and must include the student's most recent transcript. This year, the Foundation expects to award up to 60 general schol
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01/16/2009 | Joint ARRL-RAC EmComm Event Canceled
The Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) have cancelled their joint special event with the ARRL, scheduled for March 16-17 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This was to be a follow-up to an Learn More
01/08/2009 | Nominations Sought For 2009 Dayton Hamvention® Awards
The Dayton Hamvention® is accepting nominations for its 2009 awards. Do you know an outstanding amateur in your club, community or from on-the-air contacts? Does this person excel in some phase of Amateur Radio? Do you feel this person deserves worldw
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01/05/2009 | Foundation for Amateur Radio Invites Scholarship Applications
The non-profit Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) is now accepting applications for 48 scholarships for the academic year 2009-2010 to assist radio amateurs pursuing higher education. FAR full
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12/24/2008 | It Seems to Us: Technology and Science, A Two-Way StreetWe often link the terms science and technology, but in fact they are quite different concepts. Broadly speaking, technology involves the development of tools. The modern radio transceiver — a complex combination of hardware and software — is a
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